The Labyrinth is your life’s path.
Manifest your desires by planting one of these seeds.
Your faith will water and feed the seed into growth.
Keep the other seed as your connection to this Labyrinth.
You are this Labyrinth’s Caretaker… so take care of it and it will become exactly what you need.

This is my journey
— Nate Long “Owl”

41 pairs of stones created and dedicated to the May 20, 2021 to a friend’s marriage commitment
99 sets of labyrinth seeds made for the Celebration of Marriage event for Lindsay Lee Mckendrick and Nate Long

A Ceremony for Planting Your Labyrinth Seed

Use with a variety of manifestations and commitments:
– Lifestyle change
– Partnership commitment
– Employment and business changes
– Abundance needs
– Friend and family transitions
– Personal goals
– Cord cutting

This ceremony can be for a personal, partnership or as a familial commitment.

Optional ceremony ideas:
– Have at least one witness.
– Plant an actual plant or seed along with the Labyrinth Seed.
– Use this as part of a life transition ceremony or official marriage ceremony.
– Create or obtain the Labyrinth Seeds to gift to someone special for their transition or new commitment.


1) Contemplate, meditate and pray on this new journey (Labyrinth) that you wish to create

2) Go to the place that is important to your intention or that represents this new journey
~ New home
~ Place of employment
~ Place of worship
~ Sacred spot that represents your transition

3) Setting Your Sacred Space … Your Garden … Your Labyrinth … Your Journey
Invite each of the seven directions to help hold and contain this sacred space
~ [touching the ground] Welcome Mother Earth, please create the foundation for this new Labyrinth.
~ [hands raised to sky] Welcome Father Sky, please provide the nutrients to help it grow.
~ [facing East] Welcome East, please bring the beginning to this new journey.
~ [facing South] Welcome South, please assist in maintaining devotion to this commitment.
~ [facing West] Welcome West, please provide a clear recall and appreciation of what is created.
~ [facing North] Welcome North, please instill wisdom as this process proceeds for as long as needed.
~ [hand on heart looking upward] Welcome Great Spirit, please fill this entire process and transition with faith and grace.

4) Take one of the two seeds from the bag and bury it in the ground stating out loud
“I plant this seed of change, of transition of commitment. The labyrinth that will grow here will be one of love
and life and compassion. The intention for my new journey is to ____________________________________

optional: plant above the seed an actual plant or seed.

5) Say a prayer of gratitude, and thank the witnesses, the directions and the unseen (ancestors, angels, spirit guides, etc.).

6) Take the second of the two seeds with you and place in a space of honor and visibility to help remind you of the Labyrinth you are growing.

7) If possible, visit the actual site on occasion (or regularly) to say a prayer of recommitment and to care for what is growing.